Iwate midori (Iwate is a prefecture in northern Japan, and “midori” means “green”) takes its time to mature, only reaching “edamame ripeness” after a leisurely 120 days. Moreover, it doesn’t like the wet, fecund weather of early spring, doing better under late cultivation. This makes Iwate midori a popular edamame of mid to late September and early October, when most other edamame varieties have disappeared from the fields and store shelves.
Because of the slow maturation, Iwate midori has a slightly deeper, subtler flavor than other edamame and a slightly higher protein content. The creamy, buttery taste lends itself well to the cooler days and heartier dishes of autumn. Edamame is known in Japan as “beer’s friend,” but this is one that may go equally well with a glass of deep red wine on the back porch on a cool October evening. Japanese also use Iwate midori to make a nutritious green tofu, as well as mousse, soymilk, and steamed beans. It is considered to be one of the healthiest soybean varieties.
In Japan it is said that locally grown food connects us to both a place and a time; in Iwate midori edamame, we can find the experience of an entire summer encapsulated in a bean.