Edamame mousse

Here is a very basic, all-purpose, non-sweet mousse recipe that we use with our edamame. We think it works especially well with Iwate midori.


(1) Edamame (boiled, shelled, rinsed, and drained—you should also remove the inner membrane from the edamame.)
(2) Basil or shiso pesto (to taste—a teaspoon or two?).
(3) A squeeze of fresh lemon juice.

How to make it:

Just put everything in a food processor and process until smooth and creamy by drizzling in olive oil.
Eat as is, or chill and eat later. We like this as a side dish to many late summer or early autumn meals—it especially goes well with grilled shrimp or eel, where the charcoal taste of the meat perfectly balances the creaminess of the mousse.